dude you have the coolest effects on your songs
keep it up
dude you have the coolest effects on your songs
keep it up
You also have good ones, keep doing what you do and thanks!
i like it, the vocals are a good addition as well
check out my 'ravers fantasy remix
5/5 10/10
(-.-)_[V] /A-W/
Thanks man for the score and review, I'll check it!
how do you make this stuff dude
sounds like random sounds put together but yet has a creepyness to it
i like it o.0
Lol . I have a weird taste in putting the most opposite sounds together . Thankyou for the review, I rarely ever get them for some reason . I enjoy reviews >: ^^
i like this ! keep it up!
check out my songs=}
thanks ;D
btw i actually fixed a couple parts that were bugging me n/346081
love it!
what sound did you use for the lead 0.o
super secret sounds (made it myself) :P
P...R...O... SPELLS PRO xD
Good work! Keep pumping out the tunes!
That synth sounded almost identical to the one Paragonx9 uses xD
Pro... That is all :P
I lub Nigs too!
You gotta love dem snickers ya no rite?
shut the fuck up
O: <3
Love the chord structure and the breakbeat best. Really trancey but it's not quiet liquid enough for me. I always say that trance should be almost liquid in sound and this isn't quite there especially seeming as the name is 'liquid sound'
Haha well thanks for the review!! I'll have to see what I can add to make it more "liquidy" :P
Hey LK! its georgem124 =]
Not bad, but you have done something i tend to do. You have let your music down because of the vocals. When there is vocals you tend to let the music itself faulter. It's good, don't get me wrong. i just think you've let yourself down a bit on the music itself.
georgem124 =]
I disagree, because when you make a song with vocals, the music has to surround the vocals. So i think a song with vocals tend to sound different than song without them. It's not that its bad per-say its just different.
Now if u say its bad because of technical reasons, like the mixing or synths or something are bad, than thats a different story.
Thanks for the review :D!
Joined on 6/7/09